Monday, March 5, 2012


Works Cited
Bestiarii. Photograph. Sources for the Roman Arena. Web. 3 Mar. 2012. <>.
Brown, Shelby. "The Roman Arena." Archaeology Magazine. Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>.
"Gladiators and Beasts in the Roman Arenas." - Softpedia. Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>.
Gladiators Fighting Animals in The Circus at Pompeii. Photograph. Web. 5 Mar. 2012. <>.
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Prisoner Fighting a Hungry Lion in an Ancient Roman Arena. Photograph. Web. <>.
Renaghan, Janeen. "Savage Fashion: Animals and Attitude in Ancient Rome - National Zoo| FONZ." Welcome to the National Zoo| FONZ Website. Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>.
The Roman Emperor Commodus Fires an Arrow to Subdue a Leopard Which Has Escaped from Its Cage in the Arena. Photograph. Web. 5 Mar. 2012. <,-Plate-14-From-Venationes-Ferarum,-Avium,-Piscium-Of-Hunting-Wild-Beasts,-Birds,-Fish-Engraved-By-Jan-Collaert-1566-1628-Published-By-Phillip.jpg>.
"Which RARE, Exotic Animals Were Usedas Entertainment in Rome's Arena?" The Roman Empire: Which Rare Animals Were in Rome's Arena? Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>.
"Wild Animals at the Colosseum." Roman Colosseum. Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>.
Zograf, Bohdan. "Gladiatorial Games." VROMA. Web. 05 Mar. 2012. <>. 
Roman Games - Animals in the Arena. - Awesome Stories. Web. 07 Mar. 2012. <>.

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