Sunday, March 4, 2012

Ludus Matutinus/venationes Animal shows.

Ludus Matutinus was the display of animals. a play involving animals usually scheduled for the morning. it was essentially a show like a play. this included fake sets and props. the animals were often trained like a modern circus act. this was to give the impression of a real hunting exploit. the animals were "The types of animals used for these hunting shows were wild boar, bulls, bears deer, stags, dogs, wolves, goats and antelopes. These shows were called called venationes and the animal hunters were called venatores. The venatores were trained at a special training school called the Ludus Matutinus. The term Ludus Matutinus originated from the Latin for 'morning school' as the beast shows were originally scheduled as morning events at the Roman Colosseum." From <> Parenthetical is From (, page wild animals at the colosseum

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